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Parents Notes:

Upload any of your children fabulpus creations to the tate kids art galery linked above. They can also view art pieces created by other children their age

Tips for using the Lets Get Messy Website:

This art website focuses on the process of printmaking to create art. This website can be used by all primary aged children with some guidance. 

1) Get your children to explore the 'Let's Read' section.

This page provides them with 3 different picture books that they can look and listen to, each book also has a small starter activity alongside it to get the children thinking about the different textures, shapes and colours they can see in the texts. 


2) Get your children to explore the 'Let's Explore' section.

This section can be accessed by older children independently, it includes 3 different artist studies. Each study has pictures of the artists work some key facts about them and their work, connections they have to printmaking and some links to other web pages they can access to watch child friendly videos based on the artist.

- The children can also take part in a small quiz on the 'Quiz Time!' section about each of the artists to check their understanding.


3) Get your children to explore the 'Let's Make' section.

This section of the website has directions for 5 different printmaking processes that the children can carry out to practice the techniques and create artwork. Most of the activities can be adapted so that they are easily completed at home by making simple swaps for example using paints instead of printing ink.

- All pages include a video as well as step by step instructions and examples to allow children to easily access this independently.

- At this stage the children can take inspiration from the books or the artists they have already explored on the other pages to create their artwork.

Example Focuses:




line sheet.jpg

Starter Questions to begin a discussion:

1) What shapes do you see in the painting? 

2) What kind of lines can you see? Thick, Jagged, Curved?

3) Is this picture/painting of something real or imaginary? Do you think its modern or from history?

4) Are there any shadows in the painting?

5) If you could ask the artist a question about this painting, what would you ask?

6) What would you call this picture/painting?

7) What is your favourite part of this piece?

8) Pretend you are inside this painting, what does it feel like? 

9) How would you improve this piece?

10) What colours can you see? Why have they been used?

Use these question prompts to start a discussion with your child about one of the book illustrations, artists work or their own creation!

Head over to the teachers page to find some detailed lesson plans for each technique which you could also adapt and use at home.

Contact Us
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about Lets Get Messy!

Thanks for submitting!

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